Planning Inquiry Moneystone Quarry
Information on the Public Inquiry for Land at Moneystone Quarry
Public Inquiry: Land at Moneystone Quarry, Eaves Lane, Oakamoor, Staffordshire, ST10 2DZ
PINS REF: APP/B3438/W/24/3344014
The Council's reference is: SMD/2019/0646
A public inquiry has taken place regarding an appeal that has been made against the refusal of reserved matters application on 14th November 2023 by the Council.
The application was proposing details for the appearance, scale, layout and landscaping for phase 1 of the leisure development comprising 190 lodges; erection of a new central hub building (providing farm shop, gym, swimming pool, spa, restaurant, cafe, games room, visitor centre, hub management and plant areas): reuse and external alterations to the existing office building to provide housekeeping and maintenance accommodation (including meeting rooms, offices, storage, staff areas and workshop); children's play areas; multi use games area; quarry park; car parking; refuse and lighting arrangements; and managed footpaths, cycleways and bridleways set in attractive hard and soft landscaping.
The Council's decision can be viewed here:
The reserved matters application followed the grant of an outline planning permission for the proposed scheme by the Council on 26th October 2016 under reference number SMD/2016/0378
About the public inquiry
A Planning Inspector has been appointed by the Secretary of State and the appeal was heard by way of a public inquiry sitting on the 24th to the 26th September and 8th October 2024 with a site visit taking place on the 27th September.
The inquiry has now closed but you can still watch the inquiry online:
A decision will be made by the Planning Inspector in due course and will be published here when it is received.
A draft inquiry programme may be viewed here. (PDF, 128 KB)
Parties to the Appeal
At the inquiry evidence was presented by the Council explaining why they refused the application and the Council is asking the Inspector to dismiss the appeal.
The Appellant - the applicant for the planning permission that is now being appealed - brought evidence to show reason why planning consent should be granted and is asking the Inspector to allow the appeal and grant their reserved matters application.
In this appeal there are also 2 other parties, referred to as rule 6 parties, who have an interest in the appeal and they also brought evidence asking the Inspector to dismiss the appeal. Those rule 6 parties are Kingsley Parish Council and the Churnet Valley Conservation Society (CVCS).
Before the inquiry sat each party to the appeal submitted a Statement of case that may be viewed here:
Appellant Statement of Case (PDF, 1 MB)
Appellant Statement of Case Appendices 1-11 (PDF, 17 MB)
Statement of Case of the Council (PDF, 248 KB)
Statement of Case of Kingsley Parish Council (PDF, 5 MB)
Statement of case Churnet Valley Conservation Society (PDF, 143 KB)
Statement of case Churnet Valley Conservation Society Appendix 1-10 (PDF, 12 MB)
Case Management Conference
On the 15th July 2024 the Planning Inspector appointed to hear this appeal on behalf of the Secretary of State held a case management conference with the representatives for the Council, the Appellant and a representative from Kingsley Parish Council (also representing the CVCS) which took place virtually.
No discussion took place on merits of the respective parties cases and no evidence was heard or submitted. The purpose of the conference was to set out a clear indication of the ongoing management of the appeals and the presentation of the evidence so that the forthcoming inquiry is conducted in the most efficient and effective manner.
Moneystone Quarry Case Management Conference 15.7.24 (PDF, 112 KB)
Moneystone Quarry post CMC note (PDF, 110 KB)
Following the case management conference the Inspector issued a note regarding evidence to be submitted at the inquiry:
Inspector's note 1.8.24 (PDF, 111 KB)
Evidence Submitted to the Planning Inspectorate
The Council, the Appellant and the Rule 6 parties exchanged proofs of evidence before the inquiry sat, which was the evidence they relied on at the inquiry.
The Council called one witness, Mr B Philips who will dealt with all aspects of the reason for refusal on behalf of the Council.
Mr Philips' proof of evidence and appendices (including proof summary)
- Proof of Evidence Mr Bob Phillips (PDF, 346 KB)
- Appendix 1 - Proof of Evidence Mr Bob Phillips (PDF, 1 MB)
- Appendix 2 - Proof of Evidence Mr Bob Phillips (PDF, 276 KB)
- Appendix 3 - Proof of Evidence Mr Bob Phillips (PDF, 145 KB)
- Appendix 4 - Proof of Evidence Mr Bob Phillips (PDF, 137 KB)
- Appendix 5 - Proof of Evidence Mr Bob Phillips (PDF, 140 KB)
- Appendix 6 - Proof of Evidence Mr Bob Phillips (PDF, 141 KB)
- Appendix 7 - Proof of Evidence Mr Bob Phillips (PDF, 12 MB)
The Appellants called 3 witnesses, and presented a proof on behalf of another witness, who did not appear whose proofs can be viewed below:
- Mr Jon Suckley (planning):
Proof of Evidence Mr Jon Suckley (planning) (PDF, 1 MB)
Appendix 1 - Proof of Evidence Mr Jon Suckley (planning) (PDF, 3 MB)
Appendix 2 - Proof of Evidence Mr Jon Suckley (planning) (PDF, 2 MB)
Appendix 3 - Proof of Evidence Mr Jon Suckley (planning) (PDF, 761 KB)
Appendix 4 - Proof of Evidence Mr Jon Suckley (planning) (PDF, 215 KB)
Appendix 5 - Proof of Evidence Mr Jon Suckley (planning) (PDF, 483 KB)
Appendix 6 - Proof of Evidence Mr Jon Suckley - Part 1 (planning) (PDF, 24 MB)
Appendix 6 - Proof of Evidence Mr Jon Suckley - Part 2 (planning) (PDF, 18 MB)
Appendix 6 - Proof of Evidence Mr Jon Suckley - Part 3 (planning) (PDF, 12 MB)
Appendix 7 - Proof of Evidence Mr Jon Suckley (planning) (PDF, 10 MB)
Appendix 8 - Proof of Evidence Mr Jon Suckley (planning) (PDF, 23 MB)
Appendix 9 - Proof of Evidence Mr Jon Suckley (planning) (PDF, 31 MB)
Appendix 10 - Proof of Evidence Mr Jon Suckley (planning) (PDF, 159 KB)
Appendix 11 - Proof of Evidence Mr Jon Suckley (planning) (PDF, 330 KB)
Appendix 12 - Proof of Evidence Mr Jon Suckley (planning) (PDF, 505 KB)
- Mr Colin Pullan (design): Proof of Evidence of Mr C Pullan (Design) (PDF, 3 MB)
- Mr John Bratherton (design quality): Proof of Evidence of Mr J Bratherton (Design Quality) (PDF, 4 MB)
- Mr Paul Young (Energy Strategy): Proof of Evidence of Mr P Young (Energy Statement) (PDF, 1 MB) - Energy Statement to accompany proof of evidence of Mr P Young (PDF, 1 MB)
Kingsley Parish Council called one witness, Mr James Aberley: Parish Council Proof (PDF, 629 KB).
The Churnet Valley Conservation Society called one witness, Mr David Walters: Proof on behalf of CVCS. (PDF, 14 MB)
In addition to the proofs of evidence the Council and the Appellant have also agreed a document setting out which matters they agree in the appeal and which matters they don't agree on. Statement of Common Ground between the Appellant and the Council (PDF, 1 MB)
On 17 July 2024 the Planning Inspectorate issued a letter to the Appellant requiring further information to be provided under the Town And Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 ('EIA Regulations'). A copy of that letter can be viewed below:
Letter from the Planning Inspectorate to the Appellant (PDF, 122 KB)
On 27.8.24 the Appellant submitted to the Planning inspectorate and have circulated to statutory consultees and parties to the appeal an Environmental Statement (ES) Addendum in accordance with the EIA Regulations and as requested by the Planning Inspectorate. The ES Addendum documents can be viewed below:
Non-technical summary (PDF, 265 KB)
Volume 1: Written Statement (PDF, 10 MB)
Volume 2: Technical Appendices (PDF, 48 MB)
You can access Regulation 25 of the EIA Regulations here.
Conditions and section 106 agreement
Without prejudice to the Council's position that conditions cannot overcome the Council's reasons for refusing the application, a set of conditions have been agreed with the appellant for the assistance of the inspector should he determine to allow the appeal. These conditions have been amended since the inspector heard submissions on conditions at the inquiry on the 26th September 2024 and the amended conditions (with changes showing and in clean copy) can be viewed here:
Planning Conditions Post Inquiry Changes TRACKED (PDF, 128 KB)
Planning Conditions Post Inquiry Changes CLEAN (PDF, 122 KB)
The appellant has been given until the 15th October 2024 to submit a signed copy of a section 106 deed (known as a unilateral agreement) to deal with matters relating to air pollution raised as a result of the Environmental Statement Addendum. Both the Council and the Appellant have made representations about the need for this agreement which can be viewed in the Inquiry Documents table below at ID9 and ID11. A copy of the draft 106 and CIL compliance statement may be viewed here:
S106 Unilateral Undertaking Moneystone - Final Draft (PDF, 442 KB)
CIL Compliance statement (PDF, 149 KB)
Core Documents
The Core Documents Library can be viewed below. It includes all the relevant documents (Core Documents pre-fixed CD) for the inquiry. All the documents submitted at the inquiry appear as inquiry documents at the bottom of the page (prefixed ID).
Not all documents relating to the application appear in the Core Documents Library, only the ones the Appellants, the rule 6 parties and Council think might be referred to at the inquiry. All other documents relevant to the inquiry can be found on the planning portal, including consultee and public responses to the application. You will need to use the application reference number SMD/2019/0646 to search for the application.
You can get to the planning portal by clicking here.
An index of all the core documents can be found here (PDF, 254 KB), and the documents may be viewed below.
CD 1 - Approved outline planning permission documents and plans
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1.22 | Design & Access Statement |
1.23 | Statement of Community Involvement |
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1.60 | Appendix 11.1 - Geotechnical Hydrological Factual Report - Part 1 Appendix 11.1 - Geotechnical Hydrological Factual Report - Part 2 Appendix 11.1 - Geotechnical Hydrological Factual Report - Part 3 |
1.61 | |
1.62 | Appendix 11.3 - Environmental Assessment Desk Study Report - Part 1 Appendix 11.3 - Environmental Assessment Desk Study Report - Part 2 Appendix 11.3 - Environmental Assessment Desk Study Report - Part 3 Appendix 11.3 - Environmental Assessment Desk Study Report - Part 4 |
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1.65 | Appendix 11.6 - Annual Monitoring Report 2015 - Part 1 |
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CD 2 - Reserved matters application documents and plans which SMDC Based decision on.
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2.85 | Design and Access Statement - Part 1 |
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2.87 | Foul and Surface Water Drainage Strategy - Part1 |
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2.91 | Structural Landscape Strategy - Part 1 Structural Landscape Strategy - Part 2 Structural Landscape Strategy - Part 3 |
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CD 3 Additional plans not previously seen by LPA
CD 4 Approved outfall planning permission documents and plans
4.1 | Application Form |
4.2 | |
4.3 | |
4.4 | |
4.5 | |
4.6 | |
4.7 | |
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CD 5 Approved laboratory change of use permission documents and plans
5.1 | |
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5.6 | |
5.7 | |
5.8 | |
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CD 6 Determination documents
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CD 7 Policy and guidance documents
CD 8 Enforcement notices
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8.3 | |
8.4 | |
8.5 | |
8.6 | |
8.7 | |
8.8 | |
8.9 |
CD 9 Solar farm approval
9.1 | Solar Farm Location Plan |
9.2 | Solar Farm Site Layout |
9.3 | Solar Farm Refusal Committee Report |
9.4 | Solar Farm Refusal Decision Notice |
9.5 | Solar Farm Approval Decision Notice |
9.6 | DCLG Letter |
CD 10 Miscellaneous documents
Application Documents
Can't find what you want? Further application documents relating to the Appeal may be found here.
You will need to use the application reference number SMD/2019/0646 to search for the application
Inquiry Documents
The documents below were the documents presented to the Inspector by various parties during the course of the inquiry.