Council tax
Everything you need to know about discounts or exemptions and how to apply, understanding how your Council Tax Bill is calculated or reporting a change in circumstances
Set up a new 'My Council Tax' account, which will enable you to access information online. This includes:
- Checking how much Council Tax you owe
- Changing your method of payment
- Applying for a Single Person Discount
- Reporting a change of address or ownership
- Saving paper and reducing costs by signing up for electronic bills and notifications
And much more.........
If you are moving into the area you will need to use the Report change of address link below. We will then issue a Council Tax account number that must be used to register for your online account.
If you have already created an account please login here.
Check your council tax online
You can now set up a 'My Council Tax' account, which will enable you to access information online
Pay your council tax
Information on how to set up or change Direct Debit details, paying online, by phone or via payment card
Apply for a discount or exemption
Find out what discounts and exemptions are available
Report a change of address
Please do not complete this form if it is more than 7 days in advance of your move. Please return to our website and complete the form nearer to the time
Council tax change in circumstances
If you've had a change in your circumstances you need to tell us as soon as possible
Landlord Change in Tenancy
Landlords, if you need to notify us of a tenant moving in or out, please complete this form
Difficulty paying your bill
What to do if you receive a reminder, final notice, court summons or liability order
Your council tax explained
Here you will find information on council tax annual charges, where it goes, contribution to the annual budget and more
Care Leavers
If you are a care leaver, please contact your support worker at Staffordshire County Council who may be able to offer some assistance with your Council Tax bill
Property valuation bands
The amount of council tax you pay depends on which of the eight valuation bands it falls into
Complete your council tax review
If you have received a letter asking you to complete a council tax review please click here
Empty homes review
If you have recently received a review form it is because evidence has been received to suggest that your property may be occupied
Empty property premium
Information on what happens when your property has been empty for 12 months or longer
Freeman on the Land and challenges to the legality of council tax
Read more on the legislation relating to the administration and collection of council tax