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Help shape future of Leek's museum and art gallery

Work to improve Leek's Nicholson Institute is set to start this year, and you can help shape what that means for the museum and art gallery.

Shining a light on Biddulph's mining heritage

Light is shining once again on Biddulph East's mining legacy - thanks to a restoration project to replace the local community's miner's lamps.

Holocaust to be remembered at local service

Civic leaders and representatives in Staffordshire Moorlands will be marking National Holocaust Memorial Day with a special service in Leek.

Tourism in Staffordshire Moorlands gets a boost with new microsite

Following a 35 per cent increase in visitor numbers since the pandemic, Staffordshire Moorlands is developing its tourism offer with the launch of a new microsite for visitors.

Leek markets to host culture and heritage event

Leek's transformed indoor market halls are hosting the first We Are Staffordshire Ambassador event of the new year celebrating the county's heritage and culture.

Register and protect your bike at free safety event

Cyclists are invited to a free event this weekend where they can register their bikes as part of a national scheme to help reunite lost or stolen bikes with their owners.

Check your Christmas bin collections online

The festive season is always a busy period but there's one calendar you can count on to offer a helping hand - the Council's online bin checker!

New businesses announced as Leek markets re-open

As Leek's revamped indoor markets start to re-open following the £3.4 million transformation, two of the local food and drink businesses taking the new units in the Trestle Market have been announced.

Grant signals go-ahead for Churnet Valley rail project

Grant funding from the Moorlands Partnership Board has helped give the green light to a project to return an historic signal box to its original location at Cheddleton station.

Sod-cutting marks formal start of MyActive Leek redevelopment

With work on the multi-million pound project to expand and fully modernise MyActive Leek (formerly Brough Park Leisure Centre) now underway, an official sod-cutting ceremony has taken place to mark this major milestone.

Festive free parking boost for shoppers and businesses

Parking will be free again this year on Saturdays in December in all District Council car parks to support shoppers and businesses in the busy build-up to Christmas and the New Year.

Themed Fridays launch new era for Leek's indoor markets

Leek's rejuvenated indoor markets are set to re-open soon and new themed Friday markets will be part of the exciting new-look retail and events programme.

Waste and recycling collection fleet wears poppies with pride

November is the month when many of us wear our poppies with pride to show our ongoing support for our armed forces and ensure their dedicated service will never be forgotten.

Protecting and enhancing Moorlands green spaces

Even the name of our District, the Staffordshire Moorlands, evokes open green spaces and time spent outdoors - and now the Council has launched a ten-year plan to protect and enhance the spaces it owns that help make this such a special place.

Grant helps keep a roof over Kenelm Youth Trust heads

Grant funding from the Moorlands Partnership Board has helped towards much-needed roof repairs at the Guildhall and St John the Baptist Church at the Alton Castle site - a nationally recognised collection of Pugin-designed listed buildings.

Ancient Goddess brings female focus to popular beer festival

A Goddess celebrated in ancient history by the Babylonians will be the focus of attention at Leek Beer Festival, taking place next month on Saturday 2 and Sunday 3 November.

Join us at our open water safety day this half-term

There will be plenty of treats - and no tricks - at Rudyard Lake this Halloween when the District Council and its partners host an open water safety day.

New images of Brough Park released as work gets underway

Work to transform Brough Park Leisure Centre to deliver modern new facilities and services for the community is now underway after the final design was agreed following public consultation.

Council Leaders seek conversation with government to unlock growth and opportunity

Council Leaders across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent have written to the Government to begin a conversation about devolution and how it could benefit the area.

Council leisure centres to operate under 'MyActive' brand

From Tuesday 1 October, the three Moorlands leisure centres will be managed and operated by the District Council's new health and wellbeing company Alliance Leisure Limited.

Brough Park Leisure Centre - alternative venues shared

With work on the £17 million redevelopment of Brough Park Leisure Centre set to start next month, Staffordshire Moorlands District Council has shared further details of the alternative venues people can use whilst the centre is closed.

Council buys Cheadle Market

Cheadle Market, which has long been a consideration for Staffordshire Moorlands District Council, in view of its strategic position on the High Street and the opportunity this might give to regenerating the town centre, has been bought by the Council today.

New Birchall fitness area brings indoor gym experience outdoors

New fitness equipment has been installed at Birchall Recreation Ground in Leek offering the indoor gym experience in the great outdoors - and it's already proving to be very popular.

Grants to help arts, culture and heritage thrive

Grants of up to £4,000 are now available to generate growth in arts, culture and heritage activity in the Staffordshire Moorlands.

Leek markets on track for autumn re-launch

Leek's rejuvenated indoor markets are set to re-open this October with work on the £3.7m refurbishment now well underway.

Council to set up new company to manage leisure centres

From October this year, a new Council-owned health and wellbeing company will take over the management of Staffordshire Moorland's leisure centres.

'Well managed' Council delivers 'high performing, low cost' services

Staffordshire Moorlands District Council is a high-performing, performance focused organisation that delivers low cost, value for money services, an independent review has found.

Checkley planning document adopted by Council

The Neighbourhood Plan for Checkley has now been 'made' - formally adopted - by Staffordshire Moorlands District Council and forms part of the development plan used to determine planning applications in the parish.

Council funds maintenance of life-saving defibrillators

With fewer than one-in-ten people surviving an out of hospital cardiac arrest, access to well maintained, ready to use defibrillators can make all the difference.

Council highlights cost of living help in Moorlands

Managing your money can be a challenge at any time but more so when prices for daily essential keep on rising - so the District Council is helping to ensure people can find, and access, support with the increasing cost of living.

Council commits to Moorlands nature recovery

Nature is in long-term decline and the need for action to reverse this is urgent - and in the Moorlands, the District Council has committed to making nature's recovery a priority.

D-Day grants to mark 80th anniversary

This year the UK will commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day with a series of major events in this country and in France.

Up to everyone to help keep public toilets open

Public toilets are valued facilities in our towns and communities but the thoughtless actions of a small number of people can result in temporary closures following deliberate damage and mis-use.

Leek regeneration projects gather pace

The multi-million pound transformation of Leek's retail, cultural and leisure amenities to regenerate the town centre is progressing at pace.

Plans for Brough Park Leisure Centre to go on show

Plans for new and improved facilities at Brough Park Leisure are set to be revealed next week - and Staffordshire Moorlands District Council wants to hear your views.

Congratulations to Leek Town FC

Congratulations to Leek Town FC - players, coaches, staff, directors, volunteers and fans - for this fantastic achievement in being crowned Champions of the Northern Premier League West 2023-24 with games to spare.

Staffordshire Moorlands District Council membership with the Institute of Customer Services

At Staffordshire Moorlands District Council we make sure our customers are at the heart of everything we do.

Reducing carbon emissions at Biddulph leisure centre

Work to install new technology to reduce carbon emissions at Biddulph Valley Leisure Centre is now well underway.

Memorial safety testing in Moorlands cemeteries

Ensuring the safety of everyone visiting or working in cemeteries across the Staffordshire Moorlands is a priority for the District Council.

Biddulph planning documents adopted by Council

The Neighbourhood Plan and Neighbourhood Development Order for Biddulph have now been 'made' - formally adopted - by Staffordshire Moorlands District Council and form part of the development plans used to determine planning applications in the town.

Council sets budget for essential services

Staffordshire Moorlands District Council has set its budget for providing essential services at £12.7m for the coming year - and agreed to continue support with council tax for households on the lowest incomes.

Serving up improvements at Leek Tennis Club

Work has started to improve the condition of the courts at Leek Tennis Club to increase their usability and encourage more people to take up physical activity.

Work set to start at Leek's indoor markets this spring

The £3.4m transformation of Leek's indoor market halls is set to start in the spring after the District Council granted planning permission for the project.

New leisure facilities in Leek are shaping up

Brough Park Leisure Centre users can look forward to new state-of-the-art swimming and exercise facilities with work at the facility set to start later this year.

Moorlands Community Fund to help voluntary sector

Demand for the services provided by the voluntary sector in the Staffordshire Moorlands remains high as people grapple with increases in the costs of living - and the District Council is offering support to those organisations to help them meet this demand.

£3.4m investment in Leek's markets gets green light

Ambitious plans to refurbish and modernise Leek's historic indoor markets will start this Spring after planning permission was granted by the District Council.

Council sets out vision for Moorlands for next four years

Staffordshire Moorlands District Council has set out its aims and priorities for the next four years in its Corporate Plan.

'Tis the season to check your bin collections

Christmas is a busy enough time without having to remember any changes to your bin collections as well - and the Council's online bin checker means you don't have to!

Council here to help as reception now open for longer

Staffordshire Moorlands District Council has extended its reception opening hours at Moorlands House in Leek.

Work starts on Biddulph carbon reduction scheme

Work on a £2.4m scheme which will save more than 290 tonnes of carbon emissions every year in Biddulph has started.

Christmas shopping - and parking - all wrapped up

With Christmas now just a few short weeks away, free parking is being offered on District Council car parks to give shoppers and businesses a boost over the festive season.

Council joins CAB Council Tax Protocol

Staffordshire Moorlands District Council has signed up to the Citizens Advice Council Tax Protocol.

Help shape future development in Biddulph

Residents in Biddulph will be able to have their say on the future development of the town when a referendum on two planning questions takes place in December.

Council proud to support annual poppy appeal

The Royal British Legion has launched this year's poppy appeal to ensure the contribution of service men and women is never forgotten - and the District Council is once again supporting their fundraising efforts.

New customer friendly P&D machines in all Council car parks

New modern ticket machines, which take both cash and card payments, have been installed at all District Council car parks across the Moorlands.

Moorlands Plan to help reverse nature decline

With studies revealing that the UK is one of most nature-depleted countries in the world, halting the decline of the natural world has never been more important - and here in the Staffordshire Moorlands a plan for helping do just that has been launched.

Plans submitted for £3m investment in Leek's indoor markets

Plans for the £3.2m investment in Leek's historic indoor markets have been submitted as part of the Levelling Up programme to regenerate the town centre.

More detail needed on possible rail line re-opening

News that train services could, in time, return to the Moorlands with the re-opening of the line from Leek to Stoke have been cautiously welcomed by the District Council - pending further details about the funding package to deliver the scheme.

Survey puts Council services in the spotlight

Staffordshire Moorlands District Council is committed to improving public services and the quality of life for everyone who lives here.

iPad prize for Moorlands community lottery winner

It's often said that charity begins at home - and for one Moorlands resident his support for a good cause certainly did when he won an iPad in the new Staffordshire Moorlands Community Lottery.

Residents invited to Move More every day to boost health

The benefits of moving more for our physical and mental health are well known - and the District Council and its partners are inviting individuals, communities and organisations across the Moorlands to boost their health and wellbeing by building movement into their daily lives and joining the Movement for Movement.

Six new grants for businesses and communities now open

Staffordshire Moorlands District Council has launched six new grants for local businesses and communities and is now inviting applications.

More support with council tax to help with cost of living

Over 1,650 Moorlands residents will receive extra help with their council tax after the District Council announced it will be further discounting bills for the most vulnerable households.

Hot Lane games area now open

It's Love Parks Week this week - the ideal time to officially open the new multi-use games area at Hot Lane in Biddulph Moor which provides residents in one of the District's more rural communities with informal leisure and sporting facilities on their doorstep.

Open art winners are picture perfect

If, as it's said, a picture paints a thousand words, then the winners for the Moorlands Open Art exhibition certainly have plenty to say.

Community Lottery tickets now on sale

Tickets are now on sale for the new Staffordshire Moorlands Community Lottery - the exciting fundraising initiative launched by the District Council which is set to benefit community groups and organisations across Moorlands.

Work starts on Birchall exercise path

Work has started on a new exercise path around the boundary of Birchall Playing Fields in Leek.

Gearing up to Level Up in Leek

The multi-million regeneration programme in Leek town centre is moving forward as the Council starts to share more details of what people can look forward to when the work is complete.

Do your bit to help prevent wildfires this summer

With summer now well and truly upon us, the District Council is reminding people that lighting fires, barbecues, fireworks and Chinese lanterns has been banned to help prevent wildfires at high-risk locations in the Staffordshire Moorlands.

Grants to get green schemes going in the Moorlands

Grants to help schemes and ideas to address climate change get off the ground in the Moorlands are now available.

June is environment month in Moorlands

Next week is 'Great Big Green Week' where people are encouraged to share what inspires them to tackle climate change and protect nature - but that's not the only green activity taking place in June.

Moorlands Community Lottery set to launch

Good causes across the Staffordshire Moorlands are set to benefit from the Community Lottery - an exciting new fundraising initiative being launched by the District Council.

Moorlands Council names leadership team

The Chairman and Vice-Chairman, Leader and Cabinet of Staffordshire Moorlands District Council have been named following the elections earlier this month.

Views sought on key planning document

Moorlanders are being asked for their views on a key planning document which sets out guidance for calculating the contributions developers pay to offset the impact of development.

£2.1m project to reduce carbon emissions at Biddulph Valley

Carbon emissions generated by Biddulph Valley Leisure Centre are set to fall thanks to a £2.1million project to improve energy efficiency and reduce the building's impact on the environment.

Youth Eco Leaders programme launches in Moorlands

Schools, colleges and youth groups across the Moorlands are being invited to take part in a new education project to equip young people with the skills and knowledge needed to tackle climate change and deliver their own environmental projects.

Investing in leisure in Cheadle

Plans to improve and enhance leisure amenities in Cheadle will include refurbishing the existing leisure centre, Staffordshire Moorlands District Council has announced.

Unlocking tourism potential in the Moorlands

Staffordshire Moorlands District Council has set out its vision for the role tourism can play in unlocking the area's potential - boosting both the District's reputation and the local economy.

New energy efficient ticket machines for Council car parks

New more user-friendly and energy-efficient pay and display machines will be installed at 20 car parks across the Moorlands.

Improving leisure facilities in Forsbrook and Draycott

Work has started on projects to improve recreational and sports facilities in Forsbrook and Draycott.

Funding secured for new Biddulph Moor games area

Funding for a new multi-use games area at Hot Lane in Biddulph Moor has been secured - meaning residents in one of the District's more rural communities will have improved access to informal sport and recreation facilities on their doorstep.

Coronation fund set up for Moorlands celebrations

With the coronation of the King and Queen Consort fast approaching, the District Council has launched a grant fund for those planning local celebratory events to mark the historic occasion.

First wave of shared prosperity grants now open

Staffordshire Moorlands District Council is inviting applications for the first grants and funding opportunities to be made available from the £3.4m UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

No rise in Council Tax and new support scheme launched

Council tax payers in Staffordshire Moorlands will not face increases in their bills in the coming year after the District Council agreed a 0% increase - meaning Band D payments are frozen at £163.14.

Council gets injunction to stop overnight stays at Biddulph business park

Parking up and staying overnight at Victoria Business Park in Knypersley is now forbidden after Staffordshire Moorlands District Council successfully applied for an injunction.

Council secures £17.1m to regenerate Leek

Enhanced retail, cultural and wellbeing amenities are set to be delivered in Leek after the District Council secured over £17m in Levelling Up funding following a highly competitive bidding round.

Council granted an injunction to keep travellers away from Business Park in Biddulph

Council granted injunction order by Stoke County Court to keep travellers away from Victoria Business Park, Knypersley Biddulph

Fuel thieves disrupt bin collections

Thieves who stole fuel and damaged waste collection vehicles at Fowlchurch Depot in Leek have caused disruption to bin collections just days before Christmas.

£140k for more Tean Road rec improvements

Better changing facilities and a refurbished bowling pavilion are amongst a range of improvement projects set to be completed at Tean Road Recreation Ground - thanks to funding of £140,000 from Staffordshire Moorlands District Council.

'Tis the season to check your bin collections

With Christmas fast approaching there's enough to do without trying to remember if there will be any changes to bin collections - and the Council's online bin checker means you don't have to!

£3.4m to help the Moorlands prosper

Staffordshire Moorlands District Council has welcomed the announcement that funding of up to £3.4m is set to be invested in increasing life chances for residents and helping to build pride in place.

Grants to help make Moorlands homes warmer

As energy price rises take effect, grant-funded schemes to help home owners and private renters improve energy efficiency and reduce bills are available in the Staffordshire Moorlands.

Free parking this festive season in the Moorlands

Free parking is once again being offered in District Council car parks across the Moorlands in the run-up to Christmas in a boost for shoppers and businesses.

Council Tax Reduction Scheme - we want your views

Plans to provide additional support to households on the lowest incomes are amongst the changes being proposed to the Council Tax Reduction Scheme - and Staffordshire Moorlands District Council now wants to hear what you think.

On track for improved sports facilities in Birchall

Work to refurbish the exercise track at Birchall has now been completed following a commitment by Staffordshire Moorlands District Council earlier this year.

Cost of living - help available on Council hub

With winter approaching, and as the cost of living and energy price hikes continue, households across the Moorlands will be thinking about how to manage their budgets over the coming months.

Nicholson exhibition showcases youngest artists yet

Visit the Nicholson Museum and Art Gallery in Leek this half-term to see the youngest ever artists to display work through their own eyes.

Pupils enjoy recycling workshop in a bin wagon

Pupils at primary schools across the Moorlands have taken part in recycling workshops in a classroom with a difference - a converted waste collection vehicle!

Council 'well managed' and services 'value for money'

Staffordshire Moorlands District Council delivers high-quality, low-cost services that are value for money and has been well managed over a number of years an independent review has found.

Her Majesty The Queen 1926 - 2022

"We are truly saddened to hear this news of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II today and our thoughts and deepest condolences are with the Royal Family.
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