Housing strategies
Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA)
The purpose of the SHMA is to objectively assess and evidence housing need across the area. It identifies the future quantity of housing needed including the type, tenure and size.
SHMA Update 2017 Appendix 2 (PDF, 175 KB)
Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) update (January 2016) (PDF, 2 MB) (opens new window)
Frequently asked questions on the Local Plan housing numbers (PDF, 70 KB) (opens new window)
SHMA update following Sub-National Household Projections (July 2015) (PDF, 2 MB) (opens new window)
SHMA update August 2014 (PDF, 968 KB) (opens new window)
SHMA June 2014 (PDF, 7 MB) (opens new window)
Other Housing Strategies
HCA Local Investment Plan 2011 - 2015 (PDF, 941 KB) (opens new window)
Staffordshire Flexicare Housing Strategy 2010 - 2015 (PDF, 1 MB) (opens new window)
Staffordshire Housing Support and Independence Strategy 2010 - 2015 (PDF, 1 MB) (opens new window)
Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA)
The SHLAA is an evidence base document which identifies and assesses sites with potential for housing and informs development plan documents such as the Core Strategy and the Site Allocations Development Plan Document.
It does not determine whether a site should or should not be allocated for residential development and is regularly updated.
SHLAA Stage 1,2 & 3 Summary - July 2015 (PDF, 996 KB)
SHLAA large sites details (Towns) (PDF, 2 MB) (opens new window)
SHLAA large sites details (Rural area) (PDF, 5 MB) (opens new window)
SHLAA large site maps (PDF, 14 MB) (opens new window)
Gypsy and traveller needs accommodation assessment
A revised Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showperson Accommodation Assessment has been undertaken for the Staffordshire Moorlands and neighbouring authorities. The final report was produced in October 2015.
Gypsy and traveller travelling show person accommodation assessment 2015 (PDF, 1 MB) (opens new window)
Gypsy and traveller issues and options consultation document (February 2011) (PDF, 352 KB) (opens new window)