All our services
Here is a list of all our residents, business and your council services available
Planning and buildings
This section contains information on applying for planning permission and building regulations, our interactive planning map, how to support or object to a planning application, regeneration, conservation and much more
Bins and recycling
All you need to know about bins, recycling, bulky and assisted collections
Benefits and financial help
Advise on benefits and financial help you may be entitled to
Council tax
Everything you need to know about discounts or exemptions and how to apply, understanding how your Council Tax Bill is calculated or reporting a change in circumstances
Information on social housing including homelessness and affordable housing.
Street cleaning and parking
Information on parking, car parks, street cleaning and more
Pests, pollution, noise and food
Find information on council services relating to pests, pollution, noise and food
Here you'll find everything you need to know about Licensing
Parks, leisure, tourism and markets
Find more information on parks, play areas, leisure facilities and allotments in Staffordshire Moorlands
People and communities
Information on equality and diversity, the armed forces covenant, the councillors community initiative fund and more
Crime and emergencies
Information on CCTV, antisocial behaviour, emergencies and being prepared, safeguarding and public space protection orders
Births, deaths and marriages
Links to information on registering a birth, marriages and deaths

Find your nearest...
Enter your postcode and search for amenities close to you.
Cost of Living Hub
Find links to helpful sites and organisations who might be able to help with your cost of living
Business support and advice
Help and advice for businesses around Staffordshire Moorlands
Investing in Staffordshire Moorlands
These pages provide information relevant to potential investors who are considering the Staffordshire Moorlands as a place to locate or grow their business
Business rates
Here you'll find everything you need to know about business rates
Business funding
A database of funding available for your business