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Cost of Living - Support

Below are a number of links to local and national organisations who offer support, advice and in some cases financial support and grants to help towards the cost of living.


You can also find a list of organisations around Staffordshire who  may be able to help in our  Support for Households (PDF, 216 KB) (opens new window).

Staffordshire Moorlands

Beat the Cold is Staffordshire Moorlands District Council's affordable warmth programme that gives free and impartial energy advice to residents. They can give advice on paying for fuel, switching supplier, improving energy efficiency in the home and fuel debt. They can also assess whether you may be eligible for grant funding to improve your home.

Staffordshire Warmer Homes deliver projects to improve homes through grant funding. Check their website to see if you are eligible and register your interest for funding.

There are a number of schemes and grants available that may be able to help you with your fuel bills or to make your home more energy efficient. Visit our grants page to find out more.

Our Energy Debt webpage has information on how you can avoid fuel debt and a number of energy trusts who may be able to help as the cost of living increases. 

You can apply for council tax reduction and housing benefit from Staffordshire Moorlands District Council.

Staffordshire County Council have a dedicated section on their website to help people - Visit Here to Help to find out more.

The Community Foundation for Staffordshire administers many different grants schemes from various funders. We offer grants from our own funds, from funds set up by local donors and philanthropists, local businesses and individuals, and from national and regional charities and trusts.

Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service offer a Safe and Well visit for those residents who qualify to ensure they are safe at home.

Your Housing Group have information on their website which provides helpful advice and practical tips on how to manage your finances in your day-to-day life.


Help through Hardship - freephone number to allow individuals to talk confidentially to a trained Citizens Advice adviser:

Last modified on 12 September 2024

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