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Renew a driver or vehicle licence

How to transfer or change a vehicle licence

You will need to renew both your drivers licence and the licence for your vehicle on a regular basis.

Renewing a driver's licence

Application Process for Renewal of Combined Driver Licence (PDF, 217 KB)

Licences to drive hackney carriages and private hire vehicles need to be renewed annually or three yearly. We will send one reminder out to you 60 days before your licence is due to expire. 

We will also need to complete a DBS form every 3 years. Medical assessments need to carried out every 3 years; annually if you are over 65. It is your duty to make sure that all information that we request is provided. If you don't provide full details, your licence application will be rejected.

From 1st March 2020, all Staffordshire Moorlands Drivers requiring a DBS and DVLA check need to apply through the following website.  (The Driver will be given instructions via the website regarding identification requirements)

If you have a query about applying for your DBS Police check for Staffordshire Moorlands District Council please contact:-

Dedicated Helpline Number:  01254 355679

From April 2022, all drivers renewing a Hackney Carriage/Private Hire Driver Licence must provide evidence to the licensing authority that they are properly registered for tax with HMRC. Read about the new Tax Conditionality requirements here. (PDF, 111 KB)

BTEC / NVQ Qualification

From 1st January 2019, All Drivers who were originally licensed with the authority before 1st January 2017  must complete and successfully achieve a pass in either the BTEC Level 2 certificate in the introduction to the role of the Professional Taxi or Private Hire Driver or the NVQ level 2 certificates in Road Passenger Vehicle Driving (Taxi and Private Hire Driver) or obtain an equivalent qualification and present evidence of having done so before the renewal date of their current licence. From 1st January 2019 this will be a pre-application requirement, and an application for renewal from any applicant who has not met this requirement is likely to be refused.

The Licensing Authority does not place any restriction on where the BTEC or NVQ qualification is obtained, as long as it meets the criteria above. The Authority does not provide access to BTEC /NVQ Training and it is up to the individual applicant to source their own training provision within the timescale set.


Taxi licensing fees and chages can be found here.

How to apply

Renewing a licence for a vehicle

Licences for vehicles need to be renewed regularly, regardless of whether it is a private hire vehicle or a hackney carriage. All renewal applications must be submitted to the council no less than 14 days before expiry of the current vehicle licence.

 Application Process for Hackney Carriage Vehicle (PDF, 64 KB)

Application Process for Private Hire Vehicle (PDF, 65 KB)


Taxi licensing fees and chages can be found here.

If your plates are lost or stolen there is a £10 for replacement plates, badge or decal.

How to apply

You will need to complete an application form, which we will usually send out to you with your renewal reminder. If you have lost your form or have never received one see below -

MOT and Taxi Testing for licensed vehicles

Your licensed vehicle must undergo 6 monthly testing. You will be aware that a 6 monthly vehicle test is required, alternating between the Taxi Test and standard MOT. Please ensure that your vehicle receives an Annual Taxi Test at the time of the vehicle licence renewal at one of the Council's Approved Test Centres.  A list of the approved centres can be found on the Taxi Licensing pages on the Council's website. 6 months after renewal, your vehicle must have a standard MOT which can then be repeated annually thereafter.

Last modified on 12 September 2024

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