Supplementary planning documents and design guidance
SPDs provide more detailed advice and guidance on policies in the Local Plan . We use them to help us make decisions on planning applications.
Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)
The Council adopted a Developer Contributions SPD on 18 October 2023. The SPD sets out details regarding the Council's approach to planning obligations and the types of contributions that will be required. The adopted SPD and supporting statements can be found below.
SM Adoption Statement (PDF, 195 KB)
SM SPD Consultation Statement (PDF, 650 KB)
SM SEA Screening Assessment (PDF, 226 KB)
Design Guide SPD
The Council adopted the Staffordshire Moorlands Design Guide SPD on 21 February 2018. Since its adoption, the Government has updated the National Planning Policy Framework. The Council's design guide should be applied with regard to the framework and in particular Chapter 12 - Achieving well designed places.
Staffordshire Moorlands Design Guide SPD
Staffordshire Moorlands Design Guide Adoption Statement (PDF, 97 KB)
Staffordshire Moorlands Design Guide SPD Consultation Statement (PDF, 104 KB)
Churnet Valley Masterplan was adopted in March 2014. The Masterplan and associated documents can be found on the Churnet Valley Masterplan webpage.
Leek Town Centre Masterplan was adopted in March 2014. The Masterplan and associated documents can be found on the Leek Town Centre Masterplan webpage.
Cheadle Town Centre Masterplan was adopted in March 2014. The Masterplan and associated documents can be found on the Cheadle Town Centre Masterplan webpage.
Other adopted SPGs / SPDs
Local heritage register (PDF, 82 KB) (opens new window)
Space about dwellings (PDF, 190 KB) (opens new window)
Amenity space for residential care and nursing homes (PDF, 164 KB) (opens new window)
Design principles for development (PDF, 6 MB) (opens new window)