Transforming Cheadle News
Transforming Cheadle is a priority for the Council as part of our commitment to creating safer and healthier environments for communities to live and work in and to creating a strong economy by regenerating towns and villages.
Below are all the news releases from us on this project.

Plenty of chances to join the Cheadle conversation
With the first stage of the consultation on Cheadle's future still open, the Council is reassuring residents, businesses and visitors that no-one has missed the chance to have their say.

Cheadle consultation period extended
The consultation period for people to return surveys seeking views on the regeneration of Cheadle town centre has been extended to allow people sufficient time to respond.

Cheadle consultation - still time to share your views
Hundreds of people have already shared their views on the five key themes the District Council believes should underpin plans to regenerate Cheadle - and there's still two weeks to share your views before the first phase of consultation closes.

Consultation on Cheadle regeneration gets underway
Community consultation on the regeneration of Cheadle starts this week.

Consultation experts invited to apply for Cheadle project
Consultants to carry out public consultation on plans to regenerate Cheadle Town Centre are now being sought by the District Council and the Stakeholder Panel for the project.

Panel agrees next steps in Cheadle transformation project
Staffordshire Moorlands District Council has prioritised transforming Cheadle as part of its commitment to creating safer and healthier environments for communities to live and work in and to creating a strong economy by regenerating towns and villages.

Community to be at the heart of deciding Cheadle's future
Council chiefs have reaffirmed their commitment to investing in and regenerating Cheadle - and to doing so in full partnership with the local community and the town's organisations.

Partnership project to return vibrancy to Cheadle
Ambitious plans to regenerate Cheadle will focus on returning the vibrancy to the town by revitalising the high street and investing in community health, leisure and well-being facilities and new homes.