Biddulph Neighbourhood Plan and Development Order - Consultation
Biddulph Neighbourhood Plan and Development Order - Consultation
Name of Designated Neighbourhood Area: Biddulph
Date of Designation: 16 February 2016
Relevant body: Biddulph Town Council
Progress: Drafts of the Neighbourhood Plan and Neighbourhood Development Order have been received by the Council. The period for representations on these was between 15th July and 27th August 2021. The next stage in the process is examination of both documents by an independent examiner. This is likely to take place in Autumn 2021. More details to follow.
Biddulph Town Council application letter (PDF, 107 KB)
Biddulph Neighbourhood Area (PDF, 1 MB)
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA)
The Council has screened the draft Biddulph Neighbourhood Plan and draft Neighbourhood Development Order - Biddulph town centre, in order to determine if the proposals are likely to have significant environmental effects and therefore require a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) or, are likely to lead to adverse effects on European sites and therefore require Habitats Regulations Assessment HRA. Determination Statements and the full screening reports can be downloaded here:
Neighbourhood Plan
Screening Assessment Biddulph Neighbourhood Plan - Strategic Environmental Assessment (PDF, 454 KB)
Neighbourhood Development Order
Screening Biddulph Neighbourhood Development Order - Habitats Regulations Assessment (PDF, 2 MB)