Core Strategy
The Core Strategy has now been superseded by the Local Plan which was adopted on 9th September 2020.
The Peak Park Authority have prepared their own Peak District Core Strategy.
Key stages
January 2014 - Examination
On 2 January 2014 we received the final report from the Inspector on the examination of the Staffordshire Moorlands Core Strategy.
Key Documents:
Adopted Core Strategy (March 2014) (PDF, 12 MB) (opens new window)
Core Strategy Adoption Statement (March 2014) (PDF, 38 KB) (opens new window)
Core Strategy Sustainability Appraisal Report (March 2014) (PDF, 1 MB) (opens new window)
Habitats Regulation Assessment (March 2014) (PDF, 5 MB) (opens new window)
Inspector's Final Report - Core Strategy Examination (Jan 2014) (PDF, 272 KB) (opens new window)
Main modifications to revised submission Core Strategy (Jan 2014) (PDF, 312 KB) (opens new window)
Modified key diagram (Jan 2014) (PDF, 1 MB) (opens new window)
Modified Cheadle inset map (Jan 2014) (PDF, 651 KB) (opens new window)
Modified Churnet Valley map (Jan 2014) (PDF, 239 KB) (opens new window)
Policies Maps
Town and village development boundaries and other boundaries including the Green Belt (see maps below) from the 1998 Local Plan will remain in force for development management purposes until superseded by the new Local Plan for the District, 2016 - 2031.
Map Key (PDF, 504 KB) (opens new window)
Leek (PDF, 4 MB) (opens new window)
Biddulph (including APP boundary) (PDF, 1 MB) (opens new window)
Cheadle (PDF, 3 MB) (opens new window)
Town centre inset maps (PDF, 3 MB) (opens new window)
Village inset maps (Alton-Whiston) (PDF, 17 MB) (opens new window)
District wide proposals map (PDF, 5 MB) (opens new window)
October 2013 - Inspector's comments and suggested amendments
Following public consultation on main modifications to the Core Strategy the Inspector wrote to us with comments and suggested amendments.
Inspector's letter (4 Oct 2013) (PDF, 49 KB) (opens new window)
Inspector's comments on main modifications (4 Oct 2013) (PDF, 35 KB) (opens new window)
Response to the Inspector (10 Oct 2013) (PDF, 20 KB) (opens new window)
June 2013 - Main modifications to the Core Strategy
At the Council Assembly meeting on 4th June 2013 it was agreed that a schedule of main modifications would be published for consultation. This consultation was undertaken between the 24th June and the 5th August 2013.
Revised submission Core Strategy (Dec 2011) (PDF, 3 MB) (opens new window)
Summary of proposed main modifications to revised Core Strategy (PDF, 126 KB) (opens new window)
Main modifications schedule (PDF, 429 KB) (opens new window)
Minor modifications schedule (PDF, 168 KB) (opens new window)
Sustainability appraisal (PDF, 277 KB) (opens new window)
Additional supporting evidence for modifications to policy SS2 'Development Rates' (PDF, 97 KB) (opens new window)
June / July 2012 - National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) consultation
In March 2012, the Government published two important documents which all development plan documents, such as the Core Strategy, should take into account. These are:
- National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)
- Planning Policy for traveller sites
All consultees were invited to make further comments in light of this before July 2012. All responses were submitted to the Inspector to be considered as part of the examination of the revised submission Core Strategy.
December 2011 - Revised submission publication
The revised submission Core Strategy was published for representations between 12 December 2011 and 3 February 2012. All comments received were analysed and considered by us.
At the Council meeting on 25 July 2012 it was agreed to submit the revised submission Core Strategy to the Secretary of State for examination with only minor changes.