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Leekfrith Neighbourhood Plan

Leekfrith Parish Council has prepared a draft Neighbourhood Plan for Leekfrith parish and has consulted on the proposals.  The Plan sets out a vision for Leekfrith parish which reflects the views of local people and contains planning policies for the redevelopment of Upper Hulme, as well as for new homes and parking.

Made Neighbourhood Plan

Following a positive referendum result, under Section 38A (4) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, Staffordshire Moorlands District Council (under delegated powers on 30th June 2021) and the Peak District National Park Authority (at a meeting of the Planning Committee on 11th June 2021) resolved to make the Leekfrith Neighbourhood Plan.

The Leekfrith Neighbourhood Plan now forms part of the Development Plans for Staffordshire Moorlands District Council and the Peak District National Park Authority.

A copy of the Decision Statement which sets out the reasons why the plan was made and where it can be inspected is provided below along with a copy of the made Neighbourhood Plan, Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Screening Report and Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) Screening Report.

Further details regarding the referendum and examination are available below.

Making of Leekfrith Neighbourhood Plan - Decision Notice (PDF, 160 KB)
Leekfrith NP HRA Screening Statement (PDF, 1 MB)
Leekfrith Neighbourhood Plan SEA screening statement (PDF, 122 KB)
Leekfrith Neighbourhood Plan - Referendum Version (PDF, 1 MB)


On Thursday 6th May 2021 a referendum was held on the plan. 100 people voted in favour of the plan with 17 voting against. Background information regarding the plan and referendum is available below:

Examination of the Leekfrith Neighbourhood Development Plan 

Independent examination of the Leekfrith Neighbourhood Development Plan commenced on 27th November 2019.  Read the Examiner's initial letter. (PDF, 31 KB)

The Examiner's report was issued on 23rd December 2019.  The Examiner's report can be read here (PDF, 629 KB)

A Decision Statement was published by the District Council and Peak District National Park Authority on 19th March 2020.  Leekfrith Neighbourhood Plan Decision Statement (PDF, 192 KB)

A Referendum Version of the Neighbourhood Plan which incorporates recommended modifications is available here (PDF, 1 MB)
The referendum will be held on 6 May 2021.

Further detail of the Examination, including all examination documents and related correspondence, can be viewed here Peak Park - Leekfrith Neighbourhood Plan

Last modified on 12 July 2021

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