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Details of how you can submit a petition and any petitions which have already been submitted.

The council welcomes petitions form those who live, work, or study in the Staffordshire Moorlands and recognises that petitions are one way in which people can let us know their concerns. All petitions sent or presented to the council will receive an acknowledgement from the Council within 10 working days of receipt. This acknowledgement will set out what we plan to do with the petition.

Petitions submitted to the Council must include:

  • A clear concise statement covering the subject of the petition.  It should state what action the petitioners wish the Council to take.
  • The name and address and signature of any person supporting the petition.

However, there are some matters under this scheme that you cannot raise a petition against. Other procedures apply for matters relating to the following:

  • Planning
  • Council Tax
  • Licensing (Liquor, Entertainment & Taxi/Private Hire Licenses)
  • Comments, Compliments & Complaints

If you have an electronic copy of your petition with signatures on, it can be emailed to our Democratic Services team.

If you wish to send a paper copy of the petition please send to: Democratic Services, Staffordshire Moorlands District Council, Moorlands House, Stockwell Street, Leek, ST13 6HQ.

The Council has received the following petitions:

Date Received

Number of Signature



24 February 2015


Residents views of possible gypsy and travellers site in Werrington

Passed to the Council's Regeneration Team

9 December 2015


A proposed solar farm at Beacon House Farm, Gillow Heath

Passed to the Council's Planning Team

Received 13th July 2016


Save the Mount

Passed to the Council's Regeneration Team for consideration as part of the development of the Local Plan

Covering letter dated 12th June 2016

184 signatures

Objection to Local Plan Site site KG049A

Passed to the Council's Regeneration Team for consideration as part of the development of the Local Plan

Received 19th May 2016

450 signatures


Objection to Local Plan site ADD03/BD140 east of Akesmore Lane

Passed to the Council's Regeneration Team for consideration as part of the development of the Local Plan


114 signatures.

Objection to Local Plan Site ADD04

Passed to the Council's Regeneration Team for consideration as part of the development of the Local Plan


361 signatures

Support for revised version of Local Plan Site ADD03

Passed to the Council's Regeneration Team for consideration as part of the development of the Local Plan


883 signatures

Objection to Local Plan site BD063A

Passed to the Council's Regeneration Team for consideration as part of the development of the Local Plan


222 signatures

Objection to extension of temporary travellers site

Passed to the Council's Regeneration Team for consideration as part of the development of the Local Plan

Received 8Th June 2016

1450 signatures

Objection to disproportionate number of earmarked traveller sites in the Parish

Passed to the Council's Regeneration Team for consideration as part of the development of the Local Plan

14 September 2016

952 signatures

Proposed Housing Allocations, Cheadle South West

Passed to the Council's Regeneration Team

20 September 2017146 signaturesObjection to planning application adjacent to the Meigh Road Estate, WerringtonPassed to the Council's Regeneration Team for consideration as part of the Local Plan Consultation
21 September 2017173 signaturesIn support of the Staffordshire Moorlands Local Plan for Werrington 2017 with regard to the small pockets of open & visual land.Received by the Council's Regeneration Team for consideration as part of the Local Plan Consultation
22 September 2017

182 paper signatures

1214 online signatures 

Say NO to building on the Green Belt off Warf Road, Biddulph, ST8 6RUReceived by the Council's Regeneration Team for consideration as part of the Local Plan Consultation
22 September 201736 signaturesObjections to Local Plan boundary changes at Bridge End, Leek and to allocation LE102.Received by the Council's Regeneration Team for consideration as part of the Local Plan Consultation
25 October 2019431 signatures

Local Plan Main Modifications consultation Sept-Oct 2019. Objection to Main Modification number 12 (safeguarding of Biddulph sites refs: BD062/BD068/BD087).

Received by the Council's Regeneration Team for consideration as part of the Local Plan Consultation
29 October 2019665 

Main Modifications Local Plan consultation - Petition for Local Green Space Designation to be reinstated on Ox Pasture East (LGS ref 30) and ox Pasture West (LGS ref 29)

Received by the Council's Regeneration Team for consideration as part of the Local Plan Consultation
29 October 201975

Petition against safeguarding land in Biddulph (from Portland Drive)



Last modified on 12 September 2024

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