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  • Multiply Fully-funded Numeracy Courses

    As part of the £4.2m received from government to support the development of Staffordshire's numeracy skills, providers across the county are offering businesses...

  • Regional Debt Fund For West Midlands

    The Regional Debt Fund provides flexible and straightforward debt investments for SMEs in the West Midlands.

  • Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI)

    SFI aims to help farmers manage land in a way that improves food production and is more environmentally sustainable. You'll be eligible to apply for an SFI stan...

  • Farming Innovation Programme

    The Farming Innovation Programme is part of Defra's investment in innovation, research and development. Defra is partnering with UK Research and Innovation (UKR...

  • National Government Schemes for training and employment

    A range of government programmes, are available for employers who are considering hiring employees, offering work experience or upskilling existing staff, some ...

  • Michelin Development Fund

    Michelin Development in the UK offers funding support to small and medium sized enterprises up to 250 employees (SMEs) based in North Staffordshire.

  • Queen Elizabeth Scholarship Trust

    Funding between £1000-£18,000 is available for further training and skills development for crafts people of all ages who live and work permanently in the UK or ...

  • Startup Britain - Start-up Loans

    Start-Up Loans is government funded scheme to provide advice, business loans and mentoring to startup businesses, backed by the British Business Bank.

  • UK Export Finance

    UK Export Finance is the UK's official export credit agency. It provides government assistance to exporters and investors, principally in the form of insurance ...

  • Research and development (R&D) tax relief

    Research and development (R&D) tax relief is a government scheme to reward companies that invest in research by either reducing a company's tax bill, or, for so...

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