Business funding
A database of funding available for your business
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Enhanced Capital Allowance (ECA) scheme ECA Scheme provides businesses with 100% first year tax relief on their qualifying capital expenditure.
Knowledge Transfer Partnerships Transfer Partnerships. enable businesses to source University expertise and employ a graduate at for 10 weeks to 3 years for a specific project.
Carbon Tracker Business Environment Network funded by Staffordshire County Council offer a Carbon Tracker tool, available FREE to eligible Staffordshire organisa...
Countryside Stewardship Stewardship gives incentives for farmers and land managers to look after their environment. The land parcels that you want to include in your applic...
Access to work scheme to fund special equipment, adaptations or support worker services to help people with disabilities access employment
Staffordshire Business Start-up Loans scheme loans of between £3k & £5k are available for eligible businesses who have completed the Staffordshire Start-up Scheme.
Aerospace Unlocking Potential (Aerospace UP) Unlocking Potential (Aerospace UP) aims to support the aerospace supply chain in the Midlands by helping to unlock its innovation potential.
Get Started Started and Grow is a support programme for people looking to start their own business in Staffordshire.
Help to Grow government backed programme designed to help you learn new skills, reach more customers and boost your profits.
Made Smarter technology experts available to support SME employees in manufacturing and engineering.