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Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review

The Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review gives those affected the right to request a review

Tackling antisocial behaviour continues to be a key priority for all community safety partners in Staffordshire.  We work together to bring to justice those causing antisocial behaviour and provide support for people affected by it.

We continually work hard to provide a good service, but realise that there are occasions when we don't get it right first time.  This is where the Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review comes in.

What is the Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review?

The Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review gives, those affected by anti-social behaviour, the right to request an antisocial behaviour case review of the response to their reports of anti-social behaviour.  The Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review should only be used if you think your concerns have not been dealt with, or acted upon.

When can I use the Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review?

You can use the Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review if:-

  • you have reported three or more related incidents of antisocial behaviour, within the last six months


  • five separate individuals have reported related incidents of antisocial behaviour, within the last six months

How do I use the Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review?

In order to use the Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review, please contact Staffordshire Police on 101 in the first instance.

What happens when I submit a Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review Application Form?

We will review the information you have provided to check if your case meets the Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review threshold.  If it doe then, an antisocial behaviour case review will take place.  This will involve agencies sharing information, such as the police, housing, environmental health, and social care, depending on the nature of the case.  The antisocial behaviour case review will discuss the issues you raise, consider what action has already been taken and consider recommendations for additional action to resolve the problem.

We will inform you of the outcome and recommendations.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome you can lodge an appeal with the Independent Police Complaints Commission (opens new window)

Community Trigger (ASB Case Review) Data


Number of qualifying ASB Case Review Applications (Community Trigger) - 0


Number of qualifying ASB Case Review Applications (Community Trigger) - 0

Last modified on 13 September 2024

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