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Arts, Heritage and Culture Grants

Grants for capital investment in arts, culture and heritage activity in the Staffordshire Moorlands.

Applications Close: 11.59pm on 16 September 2024

The funds for this grant programme are provided by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, the Rural England Prosperity Fund and Staffordshire Moorlands District Council.

The aim of the fund is to generate growth in arts, culture and heritage activity within Staffordshire Moorlands by investing in capital items such as equipment and small-scale building improvements.

Successful applicants will be allocated a minimum of 1 working day with a freelance fundraiser with a specialism in the arts in order to grow further and increase resilience.

If you have any questions regarding the grant, please contact the arts, culture and heritage officer via

Overview and Guidance

Grants are available for capital investment in arts, culture and heritage activity in Staffordshire Moorlands. Example projects may include improving buildings where cultural activity takes place, improving heritage assets and purchasing equipment to support cultural activity.

Grants are available up to a maximum of £4,000. There is no minimum amount that you can bid for.

No match funding is required and we welcome bids that cover 100% of your project costs. We also welcome bids where funding is contributed from other sources in order to fund a larger project.

All grant funding will be paid in arrears via claim process i.e. grant is claimed on completion of all works and evidence of paid invoices. Grants may be claimed in instalments on request.

Grants will be funded from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, the Rural England Prosperity Fund and Staffordshire Moorlands District Council as appropriate.

Please read the full application guidance before applying -  Arts and Heritage grants Guidance (PDF, 174 KB)


Last modified on 11 September 2024

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